Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My quilting studio

Well, as I have been surfing around the webring of artful quilters I noticed a challenge to post pictures of their messy quilt studios and then after pictures when they get them all cleaned up. Well, I have been so torn up (see earlier posts) that I was anxious to get organized. My husband installed a closet organizer for my birthday while I was gone to the PIQS. I was so excited to get all my material folded neatly and put away. You see, I seem to have fabric everywhere, the studio, my closet, the guest room closet. My family says I have a quilting house not just a studio. So my challenge was to get it all contained into one room, wow, that was tough. It was interesting folding all those squares and while I was at it I color sorted. It looks so good, my girlfriend said I should remove the closet doors so everyone could see how nice it looks. The problem is now I am afraid to sew, I don't want to mess things up! There is something to be said for messy freedom!

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