Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Fiber Post cards

Well I am finally starting to feel better. I am low on energy but I am so anxious to get back into my studio and get started again. I joined a group of artist that are getting ready to do a group mailing of fiber postcards. I am very excited and can't wait to start getting my cards from all over the world. One of the girls is from the Netherlands. In this group we are not allowed to mail them inside of an envelope, they want the cancel mark etc as part of the artistic charm of the cards. I think I agree with that, plus it is a record as to when you received it. I will photograph them as I get them and share them with everyone. I am really interested it getting a group of fiber artist together and each taking a section of a photo and reproducing it, then putting them all together. I have seen some other groups do it and it is really fantastic. Oh well, enough dreaming for now. You can always tell when I haven't been sewing for awhile, my minds tends to keep adding projects for me.

Our Thanksgiving was really wonderful. Full of family and fun, we played cards until 2 am and laughed so much our sides and jaws just ached. Its wonderful that my family can get together, even as diverse as we all are, and really enjoy one another. My brother and I spent two days in the kitchen preparing meals and deserts and it all came together beautifully on Thanksgiving day. There are so many things to be thankful for this year.

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