Deb, from
Deborah's Journal tagged me so I am going to try and answer all the questions. Thanks Deborah, this is my first tag.
4 jobs you've had:
1. My first job at 15 was bagging groceries at an Alpha Beta!, wow there not even around anymore.
2. I worked as an office manager in several businesses. Got to hire and fire people. Yuck
3. Worked with several interior designers, theming rooms, painting murals.
4. Worked for the best boss, myself.
4 movies you could watch over and over:
1.You've got mail
2. What lies beneath
3. Wethering Heights
4. Lots of the oldies
4 places you've lived;
1.Upland, CA
2.Clairmont, CA
3.Tustin, CA
4.Riverside, CA wow, I haven't ever gotten out of Calif
4 TV shows you love to watch;
2. Survivor!
3. CSI
4.I Love Lucy
4 Places you've been on vacation;
1. Mexico
2. New York
3. Alaska
4. Vegas
4 websites you visit everyday;
1. my blog
2. this one is really hard since it changes all the time, depending on what sparks my interest this week!
4 of you favorite foods;
1. Mexican
2. ice cream
3. El Pollo Loco chicken
4. sweet potatoes
4 places you'd rather be;
1.on vacation
2. getting a massage and getting pampered at a spa
3. Italy
4. Germany
4 albums you can't live without.... no such animal, do they still call them albums?
4 people you'll pass this on to;
Its a secret, not telling